


The bottom line: Heating multiple buildings located on one campus or in a same neighbourhood is no easy feat, especially if you’re looking to minimize exorbitant operational and maintenance costs. Your best bet for an economical and efficient solution? Set up an intricate system that links directly to a central plant designed to produce the energy your patrons and residents need; better known as district heating, one of Simoneau’s fortes.

District heating is the art of efficiently providing hot water and high-temp water to a small municipality or a commercial and institutional sector, including universities and hospital structures. These types of heat networks (or teleheating solutions), are comprised of either a single or several boilers (or simply two for operational security, the second being called a satellite heating plant) based in one central location that simultaneously produce and distribute the right amount of heat needed for multiple buildings.


Why maintain 20 boiler rooms when you could just manage one?

What’s in it for you as the head of operations and in terms of budget allocation? Because you’re only dealing with one heating plant, district heating solutions not only help you reduce the number of boiler operators and their mobility but also the cost of equipment to build multiple boiler room locations.

With Simoneau’s district heating solutions, annual maintenance and servicing is conducted in a much shorter timeframe and you also significantly minimize replacement costs in case of equipment failure. Moreover, it’s easier to comply with environmental SAS emissions requirements.

In the end, it’s about centralizing your energy systems and finding the right balance between operational cost efficiency and your heating needs.


More than just hot water

District heating is also the cost-efficient alternative to traditional steam boiler solutions. Running steam lines can be quite expensive; however, using high-temp water to heat multiple buildings is more cost-effective as it requires a lot less maintenance on your part.

When you deal with Simoneau’s district heating experts, not only are you getting the most innovative energy solutions on the market, you also have access to one of the few companies to offer industrial hot water production in two forms; the Maverick and the patented Warden. These technologically advanced boilers are considered a cut above the rest in terms of high-temp use and provide you with the optimal boiling pressure, power and reliability you need to heat all of your buildings.

The Business Perspective

Centralized heating system

Cost efficiency

From the Engineering Desk

Value engineering dealing with our experts

Compliance with safety and quality standards

High-performance solutions

Operations & Maintenance

Operational efficiency

Quick maintenance

Simoneau design-built guarantee

Durable equipment (built to last)

Locally sourced, inventoried and catalogued components (can be quickly replaced)